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New Commandment Baptist Church

where love is essential & praise is intentional

Dr. Stephen E. Tucker - Pastor


Join our Virtual Worship Experience

Every Sunday @ 11am 


Here, or engage on our Youtube and Facebook Pages



Welcome to NCBC

Thank you for choosing to stop by and visit this church website. New Commandment Baptist Church is a church where "Love is Essential and Praise is Intentional". We are not only a church, but a family, and community that believes in helping the Least of us. Led by our dynamic Pastor Dr. Stephen E. Tucker and First Lady Roberta Tucker, New Commandment has gained a reputation of being a positive influence in the lives of any and everyone that has crossed our paths, with our end goal of building GOD's Kingdom and saving souls. 

We have pointed out a few things on this website that we believe are important to helping guide you in your quest to get more acquainted with us as you become part of our family. Please feel free to explore this website and we hope to see and hear from you more.

Black History 


"Lift Every Voice of Our Past, Our Present, & Our Future"

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NCBC Black History Month Flyer.png
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