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Fruits and Vegetables

Fast 2022

Praying Together
Fasting Brochure 2022-1.png
Fasting Brochure 2022-1.png

14 Days of Prayer & Fasting

"I can do all things through Christ which strengthenth me" ~ Phil 4:13

Period of fasting is from January 2nd - January 16th beginning and ending at 6pm.


Fasting Guide by Date:


January 2nd - Pray for the souls to be saved and raised up in the church.


January 3rd - Pray that the church will be spiritually revived and motivated by the WORD of GOD.


January 4th - Pray for God's divine direction for the pastor, ministerial staff, officers and lay persons.


January 5th - Pray that God will continue to raise up true tithers in our church and debt relief for each individual.


January 6th - Pray for God's divine direction for each citizen to be compliant by wearing masks, using hand sanitizer, social distancing in keeping safe.


January 7th - Pray that the Fruits of the Spirit will operate in our daily living.


January 8th - Pray that we will be able to fellowship in person among the saints.


January 9th - Pray for great attendance and participation in virtual worship and bible study.


January 10th - Pray for healing from COVID-19 variants and of other diseases such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, heart ailments, obesity, etc.


January 11th - Pray for marriages.


January 12th - Pray for those struggling with grief and loneliness.


January 13th - Pray for senior citizens & the needs of single adults.


January 14th - Pray for teens and young adults that they allow themselves to be guided by the Holy Spirit.


January 15th - Pray for leadership of our country for guidance by the hand of God.


January 16th - Pray for re-entrants returning to their homes and communities; and for the unemployed.

Click The Picture

Download Our Fasting Brochure

Fasting Brochure 2022-1.png



(301) 262 - 0560

6239 Audubon Drive, Columbia, MD 21044

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Bible Study

Sundays 11:00am - Live Stream

Wednesdays 7:30 pm

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